Artwork for Dirty Talks
Join professional cyclocross racers Maghalie Rochette and Lucinda Brand as they dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of cyclocross racing. In each episode of Dirty Talks, these fierce competitors share their personal experiences, insights, and tackle the most "dirty" questions in the world of cyclocross. Discover the dirt, the sweat, and the passion behind this adrenaline-pumping sport, as Maghalie and Lucinda take you inside the world of cyclocross racing.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

Dirty Talks

Join professional cyclocross racers Maghalie Rochette and Lucinda Brand as they dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of cyclocross racing. In each episode of Dirty Talks, these fierce competitors share their personal experiences, insights, and tackle the most "dirty" questions in the world of cyclocross. Discover the dirt, the sweat, and the passion behind this adrenaline-pumping sport, as Maghalie and Lucinda take you inside the world of cyclocross racing.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo